Newsletter Archives
Here, finally, is our fall 2011 GILE Newsletter, slightly delayed by my involvement in an Asian Youth Forum (AYF), a peace education event (PGL: Peace as a Global Language) and our national JALT conference. We include conference reports on AILA 2011 and PAC 10 plus a wealth of global education news, ideas and information.
Our spring 2011 newsletter contains a rich variety of themes, ranging from global issues poetry and religion in the classroom to the Tohoku earthquake and democracy in the Middle East. We also include special sections on teaching about student protests in Syria, on how English teachers and learners have been affected by the Arab uprisings in the Middle East, classroom ideas for teaching about natural disasters plus a wealth of global education news, events and information.
​Here’s the fall edition of our Global Issues Newsletter! This year marks our 20th year in print. Check out our two decades of back issues on our website. GILE is co-sponsoring a Japan lecture tour by Middle East peace activist, Anna Baltzer. Catch her talk at JALT or in your area and support her work by buying her book and DVD.
The year 2010 commemorates the 20th anniversary of our Global Issues in Language Education Newsletter. This edition marks our 75th issue in print. To mark this, we’d like to pay tribute to the many teachers in Japan and worldwide who have contributed to our newsletter and helped to promote global education in the field of language teaching. Our feature articles this issue include (1) a description by Robert Taferner of a thematic EFL course designed around Nobel prize winners, (2) a report by Nuria Villalobos and Olga Chaves on an EFL program in Costa Rica which engages students in social justice projects, and (3) a description of an English peace education course for Japanese students by Jennifer Yphantides. This issue also includes teaching ideas for the World Cup in South Africa, a report on TESOL 2010 plus lots of global education news, ideas and information.
​Our fall 2009 newsletter brings you a rich variety of global education news, reports, articles and information. Conference news includes a report on the recent Peace as a Global Language conference (PGL VIII) in Shimane, Japan plus a preview of global issue sessions at the upcoming JALT 2009 conference in Shizuoka (Nov. 21-23). Also included are resources for teaching about the United Nations plus profiles of books on peace and social justice themes. Enjoy!
Our spring 2009 newsletter comes out in the middle of the global swine flu scare. Feel free to put on a mask and wash your hands before reading this! Also included are an article on service learning in Hawaii by Alice Lachman, global issue presentations at the TESOL 2009 conference in Denver, two new book series aimed at promoting international understanding plus a rich variety of global education news, events and information from Japan and around the world.
​Our summer 2011 newsletter brings together a variety of themes, ranging from movies to peace to natural disasters. We also include a commemorative article on peace education by the late Tim Allan, a GILE member who passed away suddenly in Nagasaki this June, and the first of a set of stories to promote critical thinking by UK global education expert, Robin Richardson. We also include a report on TESOL 2011, a list of books on teaching against prejudice and hate plus all the latest global education news, ideas and information.
​Our first newsletter of 2011 comes out as the world is rocked by calls for democracy, freedom and human rights in Egypt, Tunisia and other nations in the Middle East. We also include a list of teachable moments for 2011, a report on last fall’s JALT 2010 conference plus lots of global education news, events and information.
The year 2010 commemorates the 20th anniversary of our Global Issues in Language Education Newsletter. Thanks to all those who have contributed over the years. Check out our two decades of back issues on our website! Also included are a description of a unique volunteer program for Japanese EFL students in Boston, a report on the 2010 Osaka Pan-SIG Conference plus all the latest global education news and information.
We’re excited to welcome the new decade and start the new year with this winter 2009 edition of our Global Issues Newsletter. This issue also features a list of global issue calendars, teachable moments for 2010, a report on the recent KoTESOL 2009 conference held in Seoul last fall plus lots of global education news, events and information.
Our summer 2009 newsletter kicks off with a focus on “teaching environmental issues through cartoons” using the illustrated Gomic books produced by environmental education group, JEE. Also included are a report on last fall’s Asian Youth Forum (AYF 6) held in Tokyo, profiles of EFL readers on global themes plus a rich variety of global education news, events and resources from around the world.