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Newsletter Archives


With summer over and school back in session, “How I spent my summer vacation” is a popular class topic among foreign language learners around the world. If you or your students were involved in global education-related activities this past summer, please write something up for our next issue. Otherwise, sit back and enjoy the variety of exciting topics included here in Newsletter #9 of the Global Issues Network / N-SIG! 

Special features of this issue are:    
* News: 2nd JALT N-SIG conference / German peace educators visit to Japan
* Articles on global education themes in language teaching journals    
* Report: AIDS education, TESOL and English teaching by Henry Lesnick        
* Preview: Global education presentations at JALT'92 conference in Tokyo    
* Global education news from language teaching organizations                
* ESL Peace Teachers by Barbara Birch                                            
* Profiles: Environmental education card games
* Series: Global Issues in World Textbooks – A Korean EFL unit about WWII
* Book Review: Global Trends by Paul McLean (reviewed by Gerry Kuhn)
* Global Education Profile: June-Rose Garrott (Seinan Jogakuin Jr College)
* Toward a Pedagogy of Positiveness by F. Gomes de Matos    (Brazil)            
* GILE network members information sharing: Events, initiatives, resources
* United Nations Resources for ESL Writing    by Shirley Brown                
* New language teaching textbooks that deal with global issues                
* Global education materials available from the Global Issues Network
* Coming Events Calendar / Global Issues in Language Education Network

For global education language teachers, 1992 presents some highly-teachable events of global significance. 1992 provides a chance to re-evaluate the past, marking as it does the first anniversary of the Gulf War, the 400th anniversary of Toyotomi Hideyoshi’s 1592 Japanese invasion of Korea and the 500th anniversary of Columbus’ “discovery” of America. 1992 also stimulates us to look to the future, to the unification of Europe, a changed USSR and the June UN “Conference on Environment and Development” in Brazil. I hope this issue of the “Global Issues in Language Education Newsletter” helps you to plan a meaningful year of socially-responsible teaching with a global perspective.

Special features of this issue are:    
* 1991 Annual Report of the Global Issues in Language Education Network
* Summaries of articles on global education themes in language teaching journals       
* A preview of global education presentations at TESOL’92 (Vancouver, Canada)
* Special Appeal: Burkina-Japan Education for All Project (Susan McCarthy)
* Language Teachers as Peace Researchers by Francisco Gomes de Matos    
* News and Views: Foster Parent Plan / Social Issues in EFL in Holland
* New books on Environmental Education from WWF            
* Special Feature: Global Education in Soviet EFL                             
<> Peace education activities in a Soviet high school EFL textbook
<> Profile of the Soviet Movement “Educators for Peace”                             
<> Peace Education in EFL in the USSR by Valentina Mitina                            
* Suggestions and resources for teaching “Columbus 500” (1492 ~ 1992)            
* New language teaching textbooks that deal with global issues                    
* Global issue events and resources recommended by GILE network members
* Appeal for Peace Stories: “The Stranger as Friend” Project (Ludwig Fisher, US)
* List of 1992 global education catalogs and almanacs                            
* Coming Events Calendar / Global Issues in Language Education Network

This spring 1991 newsletter has been slightly delayed due to my attendance at a language education conference in Vietnam and the birth of our first child (a baby boy named “Ken”). Thanks to all the contributors, this issue is full of information. Keep sending in news! 

Special features of this issue are:                                                            

* Report: Language Teaching and the Gulf War: Initiatives by Teachers in Japan
* Summaries of articles on global education themes in language teaching journals
* Global education news from language teaching organizations (IATEFL, TESOL…)
* Appeals: (1) Soviet peace educators visit to Japan (2) Vietnam textbook donation
* What is Applied Linguistics? A Personal View by Francisco Gomes de Matos        
* Buying a Life for 700 Yen by Koichiro Taniyama (English speech contest winner)    
* Special feature: Classroom Activities on Global Awareness and Human Rights  
  <> Globingo: An EFL Game for Global Awareness (Kip Cates)                         
  <> EFL Reading & Discussion Lesson about Amnesty International (Steve Brown)
* Profiles of Key Global Education Organizations: 
  <> Educators for Social Responsibility (ESR)                                                
  <> Minority Rights Group (MRG)                                                            
* News, events and initiatives from the American Forum for Global Education
* Global education information and resources from network members                    
* AET list of environmental & human rights organizations in Japan (Carl Hildebrand)
* Featured Book Review: Picturecology (JEE 1991) reviewed by Chris Summerville
* Resources from Julian Bamford: Teaching about hunger, Tokyo Green Walk…
* New language teaching textbooks that deal with global issues
* Coming Events Calendar / Global Issues in Language Education Network

This is the third issue of our quarterly “Global Issues in Language Education Network” Newsletter, following Issue #1 in April and #2 in July (back issues available on request). Special thanks are due to all those who took the time to contribute news and information. Comments from readers have so far been favorable, indicating that the newsletter is helping to fill a perceived need of language teachers in Japan for information relating to language teaching, global education, social responsibility and global issues. As always, we hope you enjoy reading this issue and warmly welcome any comments or suggestions. 

Special features of this issue are:                                                            

* Proposal to form a JALT “Global Issues” Special Interest Group                            
* Summaries of articles on global education themes in language teaching journals
* Global education news from language teaching organizations
  <> Conference Report: Global issue presentations at IATEFL 1990 (Dublin)             
  <> Conference Report: Global issue presentations at TESOL 1990 (San Francisco)    
  <> Report: Global education news from JALT                                                
* How Green is our TEFL (Appeal for an environmental EFL network) by John Simpson
* Global education information and resources from network members                        
* Global issues / global education notice board (upcoming events)                            
* Global education summer events: Asia Study Tour, Environmental Homestays…
* Featured EFL Book Report: Green World (reviewed by Colleen Jaques)                    
* Report: World Summit for Children (by Lori Zenuk-Nishide)                             
* Overview and Update: Global Issues in Language Education Newsletter    
* Coming Events Calendar / Global Issues in Language Education Network

Welcome to the first issue of the “Global Issues in Language Education Network” Newsletter! The purpose of the newsletter is to:

  1. report on news in Japan and abroad concerning language teaching, global issues and the field of global education

  2. provide a forum for sharing ideas and materials among language teachers in Japan and abroad

  3. promote the integration of global awareness, knowledge, skills and attitudes into foreign language teaching


This first newsletter is a test of the network system. It’s a modest first edition, put together in a bit of a hurry, with the aim of letting people know that the “Global Issues in Language Education Network” is functioning and now off the ground. Though I’ve taken the liberty of putting together this first edition on my own, this is really your newsletter. To be relevant, exciting and meaningful, future issues will depend on your active contribution of news, articles and ideas, and your active participation in writing and editing.

Special features of this issue are:                                                            

  • Welcome message

  • Definitions: “Global Issues” and “Global Education”

  • The Global Issues in Language Education Network: Name, status, projects, scope

  • The Global Issues Newsletter: Name, size, frequency, printing, content, format

  • News from the field of global education and language teaching

    • International news: Abstracts of articles in international ELT journals

    • Report: Global education news from TESOL and JALT

    • National news: Global education news in Japan

    • Global education proposals for JALT 1990 Conference

  • Special Feature: Environmental Teaching for Earth Day

  • Coming Events: May 1990 Passe-partout Development Education Drama Tour 


With the school year off to a good start in the April cherry blossom season and both teachers and students in Japan rested up over the May Golden Week holidays, now is a good time to return refreshed to the classroom with ideas and activities for promoting international understanding, global perspectives and a commitment to work to solve world problems. 

Special features of this issue are:    
* Visit of German Peace Educators to Japan / EFL Environmental Pledge                
* Proposed Global Issues English Textbook: Call for Contributions
* Summaries of articles on global education themes in language teaching journals
* Global ed news from EFL organizations / Appeal for global issue songs & movies
* Conference report: TESOL’92 (Vancouver, Canada)
* Special Report: Global Education in Canada (CIC, PAGE, Green Teacher)
* Native Rights: A Role Play for Unlearning Indian Stereotypes by Jane Califf
* Roundtable: Views on Global Education (Church World Service)
* ELT Course Design: Talking About Foreign Countries by Charles McHugh        
* 1992 Global Education Conference: Educating in a Multicultural World (USA)
* Book Profiles: Seeing History from New Perspectives (4 titles)
* News from Moscow: Valentina Mitina Moscow Winter Appeal                        
* Announcement: 1992 International Institute on Peace Education (IIPE) in Tokyo    
* GILE network members information sharing: Events, initiatives, resources
* New language teaching textbooks that deal with global issues
* Coming Events Calendar / Global Issues in Language Education Network      

September and it’s back to school! How was your summer? I went to Hungary for a conference and got caught in Moscow during the attempted coup d’etat on the way home. This issue is full of information. I hope it inspires you for an exciting fall semester of global education. 

Special features of this issue are:                                                                

* Announcement: “Global Issues” becomes a JALT National Special Interest Group
* Summaries of articles on global education themes in language teaching journals
* Kagawa Teacher Donates EFL Game Income to UNICEF (from Rainer Sandrock)
* Global education news from language teaching organizations                                     
* Global education presentations at JALT'91 Conference    (Kobe, Japan)
* United Nations Resources for TESOL by Darlene Larson & Sylvia Mulling              
* Report: Global Issues and TESOL’91 (TESOL Day at the UN) by Kevin Staff      
* Publications from the Center for Teaching International Relations (CTIR, Denver)
* Featured Book Review: Peace through Language Teaching (Ed. Albert Raasch)    
* Textbook Profile: English Through Nature – An ESL Guide for Kids (Duane Dorne) 
* Global issue information, resources and appeals from GILE network members
* TESOL Newsletter Article: Human Rights Education and Action by Jan Peterson
* Coming Events Calendar / Global Issues in Language Education Network

Greetings to everyone as we begin 1991 with the fourth issue of our quarterly “Global Issues in Language Education Network” Newsletter. The years promises to be a challenge for all of us involved in global education, with our world facing global issues such as war in the Middle East, oppression and social injustice, a widening gap between the world’s rich and poor, and continuing environmental destruction. Effective solutions to these problems will require accurate information, global awareness, critical thinking, communication skills, and commitment leading to socially responsible action. Good luck!! 

Special features of this issue are:                                                            

* Report: State of the “Global Issues in Language Education Network ” (January 1991)
* Update on the Proposed JALT “Global Issues” Special Interest Group                  
* Summaries of articles on global education themes in language teaching journals    
* Global education news from language teaching organizations (IATEFL, TESOL…)
* Conference Report: Global education presentations at JALT'90 (Omiya, Japan)         
* Taipei American School’s “Global Awareness Week” in Taiwan by Arlene Orensky    
* A Hippocratic Oath for Teachers? by Sue Kocher                                         
* Featured Book Reports: 
  <> UNESCO Yearbook on Peace & Conflict Studies (reviewed by F. de Matos)    
  <> Earth Education: A New Beginning (reviewed by Kris Stephens)
* Give Charity a Chance (Japan newspaper article sent in by Julian Bamford)
* Global education information and resources from network members                       
* Coming Events Calendar / Global Issues in Language Education Network

The first issue of this quarterly “Global Issues in Language Education Network” Newsletter was published in April 1990. Although it was a rough one-man show put together in a hurry, it received a good response and seemed to fill a perceived need of language teachers in Japan for information relating to language teaching, global education, social responsibility and global issues. (Issue #1 is still available on request). This second newsletter issue, though still rather modest, is more of a team production, with contributions from a number of globally-minded language teachers from around Japan. Please enjoy reading it and send along any comments or suggestions for improvement. 



Special features of this issue are:

  • Report: State of the “Global Issues in Language Education” Network

  • Summaries of articles on global education themes in language teaching journals

  • Global education news from language teaching organizations

    • Report: Global issues at AILA 1990 conference (Greece) / TESOL Initiatives

    • Report: Global education news from JALT

  • Information on Recycled Paper by Kip Cates & Julian Bamford

  • Call for Action to EFL Teachers: World Summit for Children by Lori Zenuk-Nishide

  • Network members’ information and resource sharing section

  • Featured Book Reports:

    • State of the World’s Children (reviewed by Kristin Blalack)

    • Environmental Texts for English Students    (Daily Yomiuri Article)

  • Update: October 1990 Passepartout Development Education Drama Tour in Japan

  • Global Issues in Language Education Network Newsletter: Aims, format, contributions

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